Jul 12, 2012

Love Owes Me One

I promised myself I’d never write a poem about love, At least until I could understand what love really is, But here I am, penning down these words about love. I imagine

Jun 9, 2012

See The Light

A light there is all ought to see The way it's meant to be: At every dawn it comes up free! And so it's meant to be. A light

May 21, 2012

Tomorrow's Muse

With determination, the sun wakes to chase the moon away, dusts her seat and seeths with mild fury. Wake to taunts of the birds In their carefree symphony Why snuggle under sheets when

May 14, 2012

An Early Morning Stroll

The cold wind whips across my face, dreams rouse lazily in my eyes, priming her meddling grip on my mind, Readying me for yet another race. I sigh, wondering how long I'

May 12, 2012

The Man From Down The Street

Going down the street, I saw a man staring intently at a wall I didn't believe he was as old as he looked because poverty had obviously taken him as mate